Instalación y configuración de herramientas geoespaciales FOSS en Windows (actualización agosto 2021)

En el siguiente articulo se muestra el proceso de instalación y configuración de herramientas geoespaciales de software libre y de código abierto en Microsoft Windows, con un enfoque principal a integrar los proveedores de algoritmos o funcionalidades de geoprocesamiento externos en QGIS. Este documento pretende ser una guía básica para instalar...

3 August, 2021
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We have released ‘Load Them All’ v3.3 for QGIS

Changes in this version: Support JP2, KMZ, ERS, and SID files. Use addTabifiedDockWidget to show LoadThemAll panel on top of others. Add support for loading only geometryless layers (using GeometryFilter). Additionally, this version includes a new contributor: Guillaume Lostis. More details of the plugin at

22 June, 2021
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We have released ‘Append Features to Layer’ v1.2 for QGIS

We’ve released “Append Features to Layer” v1.2 for QGIS! In this version of the plugin you can use the processing algorithms via command line (qgis_process)! For example: See the different use cases for “Append Features to Layer”: Thanks to Andreas Rabe for the contribution.

10 June, 2021
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Accessing data from QGIS Server based on user roles

There is a frequent requirement for geographic web services from institutions dealing with sensitive information: They want their services to be exposed differently to interested parties, according to role permissions configured by the publisher. This post shows you a way to restrict access to your geographic web services in QGIS Server....

7 May, 2019
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My experience with the QGIS project and its community

Some days ago I gave a speech for the Mexican QGIS user group, in which I presented my experience with the QGIS project and its community. It’s called “Un paso te lleva al otro“. Here I’m sharing it for those who couldn’t attend: Online presentation (notes included) [in Spanish]: Original ODT...

19 November, 2018
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Publicar un servicio de teselas de mapas con QMetaTiles y GitHub

Para realizar una publicación de un servicio WMTS usando simplemente el almacenamiento estático en un servidor Web, es necesario utilizar una serie de herramientas que permiten, en primera medida generar las teselas o baldosas de imágenes y segundo una herramienta que nos permita generar el archivo XML.. Para el primer caso,...

13 October, 2017
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Traducción del documento de alternativas al formato Shapefile (¡Shapefile debe morir!)

Documento escrito inicialmente por: Jachym Cepicky Enlace del documento original: Cambiar desde Shapefile ESRI Shapefile es es un formato de archivo antiguo para almacenar datos vectoriales geoespaciales. Ha existido desde principios de los años noventa. Se sigue utilizando como el formato de datos vectoriales de intercambio más común. La industria...

3 October, 2017
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AutoFields plugin for QGIS

This plugin allows you to configure vector fields to be automatically calculated for you when digitizing new features or modifying existing ones. Think about them as triggers in a database or as an automatic Field Calculator. Intro Usage Examples Using AutoFields from PyQGIS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Known issues Acknowledgements Donations...

18 August, 2016
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Getting started with Rgis

This document provides examples and practical tips for using R, the free software environment for statistical computing, as a GIS tool. After an overview of spatial data representation and spatial packages in R, the following topics are covered: (i) visualization of geographic data; (ii) accessing geoservices; and (iii) basic analysis of...

11 August, 2013
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SQLite – SpatiaLite: el porqué del cómo…

Con la llegada de SpatiaLite ( basado en SQLite, muchos “Sigistas” empezaron a interesarse en SQLite, pero en la práctica, pocos de ellos conocen realmente esta base de datos y sus múltiples usos. Sin embargo, todo el mundo la usa, tal vez sin darse cuenta, ya que SQLite se ha convertido...

12 November, 2012
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Similarity and affine transformations in R

In this post I give an example on how to use my first R package, called ‘vec2dtransf‘, for applying similarity and affine transformations on vector data. Use cases Similarity and affine transformations are useful when integrating spatial data from several sources. It is often the case that vectors from one dataset...

7 May, 2012
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QGIS plugin: “Remove empty layers”

This must be the shortest post ever in GeoTux. It is just for you to know about the “Remove empty layers” plugin that I wrote for Quantum GIS some time ago. The name of the plugin is self-explanatory. It simply removes empty vector layers (i.e. layers with no features) from the...

2 March, 2012
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Snapping points to lines in R

Snapping points to lines is a common task when dealing with points that have to be located over lines for some specific reason. One of the most common applications is to locate trajectory data on a road network. As such, it is a georeferencing problem that aims to get enhanced locations...

20 February, 2012
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Puntos intermedios en un arco de círculo máximo

Hace varias semanas recibimos en el foro de GeoTux una pregunta relacionada con el cálculo de distancias a partir de dos puntos definidos por coordenadas geográficas, latitud y longitud. Como el tema es interesante, decidí publicar la respuesta en el blog. La pregunta parafraseada es: Dados dos puntos A y B...

15 September, 2011
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Tutorial: Introduction to the DE-9IM in PostGIS

I have written an introductory tutorial of the Dimensionally Extended 9-Intersection Model (DE-9IM) in PostGIS for a Qualitative Spatial Knowledge class. I share it in this post. The tutorial comprises the next sections: 1. Connecting pgAdmin to the server2. Creating your spatial database3. Introducing PostgreSQL databases4. Introducing PostGIS5. Creating tables6. Adding...

14 May, 2011
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PostGIS Viewer for pgAdmin 3

A couple of months ago, Ivan Mincik released a PostGIS viewer for pgAdmin using the Python version of QGIS libraries. I have taken the source code to add some functionality: now, every new layer is added to the same application and the scale and cursor coordinates are displayed. Find a newer...

24 February, 2011
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Load Them All, a QGIS plugin

The Load Them All plugin allows you to load at the same time a number of layers stored in a directory structure, based on a variety of filters you may customize. A few days ago my girlfriend asked me something related to QGIS. She wanted to know whether it was possible...

18 October, 2010
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